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Wednesday, 1 February 2012


This is not the continuation of my Australia travelogue. This I am writing just as a reflection on the month that is passing by. Today is the last day of January and 2012 has already unfolded in a pretty new way for me. Here's what I've learnt this month:

1. I must get my priorities right. I did already.
2. Celebrate being alive.
3. Health is the only wealth we need.
4. You are as important for me as I am for you. No less, no more.
5. Work is a part of my life, it is not life itself.

It always feels great to grow up a little more. Thank you Jan! :)


  1. Crisp! And facts for life, which is always short and sweet.

  2. I guess this suits every sane person. :)

    BTW, I am unable to comment on your "About" page. I am impressed that you've covered almost all of India unlike me. It's a long way for me. :(



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